About Us — Spokane Audubon Society

Our Mission

The Spokane Audubon Society Advocates For Birds And Their Habitats In The Inland Northwest And Connects People With Nature


President: Alan McCoy

Vice President: Lisa Langelier

Treasurer: Jenny Emerson

Secretary: Madonna Luers

Positions and Chairs

Outreach Coordinator: Shenandoah Marr
Membership: Alan McCoy
Education: Wanda Peters
Newsletter: Joanne Powell
Conservation: Shenandoah Marr
Field Trips: Jim & Bea Harrison
Programs: Gary Lee
Publicity: Madonna Luers
Website Management: Open Position
Save-A-Bird Team: Mike Borysewicz, Margo Wolf

Constitution and Bylaws

The current version of Spokane Audubon Society’s Constitution and Bylaws was approved by the membership on March 23, 2021. Click here to view the document.