Bird Friendly Products — Spokane Audubon Society

Conservation Ranching

Dan Rasmussen, 33 Ranch, South Dakota, 22,000 acres enrolled in the Audubon Conservation Ranching Initiative. Photo: Mike Fernandez/Audubon

To combat the decline of grassland bird species, Audubon developed the Conservation Ranching Initiative to fight degradation of U.S. grasslands. Beef carrying the Audubon Certified Bird Friendly Land seal has been raised on farms with native grasses and other vegetation. They also must practice good animal welfare, use minimal pesticides, and avoid neonicotinoids.

Maple Products

Sugar maple forests in the Northeast are important nesting grounds for migratory birds. Farms that contain only sugar maple trees support fewer birds than farms with more species diversity. Maple products carrying the Bird Friendly Maple Project label must meet strict criteria with respect to tree species diversity, canopy cover, and forest management.


Coffee carrying the Smithsonian Certified Bird Friendly label is grown under forest-like shaded conditions ensuring good habitat for birds. It is also certified organic, meaning they are grown using no pesticides.
If you are interested in purchasing Smithsonian Certified Bird Friendly Coffee from Birds and Beans at a discounted price, please email Shenandoah.

Olive oil

Several sources report that equipment used to harvest olives at night kills migratory songbirds. Some olive oil ranchers in Southern European countries such as Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy harvest at night to maximize yield. While Audubon does not have a product standard or endorse any brands, olive oils sourced from Greece or California do not harvest at night and therefore do not contribute to this.


Dunlins foraging in a California rice field. Photo by Drew Kelly

With 95% of the natural wetlands in California's Central Valley gone, rice farms in the Central Valley provide valuable wetland for migratory shorebirds. To support bird habitat when you purchase rice, buy California rice and look for brands with a commitment to sustainability.