Christmas Bird Count
General information about the Christmas Bird Count can be found here (a project of the National Audubon Society).
To find a Christmas Count circle anywhere on the planet go here:
See below for information on these local CBC circles:
Spokane CBC click here
Cheney CBC click here
Coeur d’Alene CBC. Contact information:,
Sandpoint CBC. Contact information: Rich Del Carlo, 208-290-1405,
Moscow-Pullman CBC. Our count circle is divided in two halves. Birders interested in participating on the Idaho side should contact Kas Dumroese (kas.birder at Birders interested in participating on the Washington side should contact Marie Dymkoski (Marie-Dymkoski at or Kelly Cassidy (highsteppe at
Lewiston-Clarkston Valley CBC. If you are interested in participating, please contact Bryan Jamison by email ( or call/text (208-791-2447).
Chewelah CBC—TBD
Colville CBC—TBD
New birders are always welcome to join the count! Please contact Tim O’Brien for information about the Spokane count. For the Cheney CBC please contact Michael Woodruff.
Feeder Watchers Wanted: If you live within a Count Circle, you can participate by watching and counting the birds at your feeder. Contact Tim O’Brien for the Spokane CBC or Michael Woodruff for the Cheney CBC to see if your location is within the count area.
To find other Christmas Bird Counts: click here.
Click here to find out about an app for your phone called “Count Circle.”
Participant Fee: Since 2012/2013 there has been no fee for participating in the Christmas Bird Count. This is a policy change that applies to all CBC's throughout the world. The governing body decided to stop collecting this fee because it has been an impediment to participation. But there are still costs for running the program. Therefore, donations are always welcome.
Register Online
All participants can pre-register online. Online pre-registration will close 48 hours before count day. Registering online saves the compiler a lot of time.
Go to the website
Count Summary
About three weeks after the count check back here to see the results of this year's count.