Other Critters — Spokane Audubon Society

Other Critters

This page is for information about other inhabitants of our planet besides the feathered kind. If you have something you would like to share, please contact us.

Otter Spotter

Birding this summer in the cooler riparian areas of our state? Keep an eye out for river otters while you’re out there, and share your sightings with the Woodland Park Zoo…

Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle has been operating the Otter Spotter Community Science Initiative for about a year. They are inviting the public to submit observations of North American river otters throughout Washington state. River otters are top predators in river systems and can serve as sentinels of ecological health. Currently, there is little information about their state-wide distribution and they are asking community members to help build a sightings map. 

The Otter Spotter website has a button for submitting otter observations and a map of the nearly 500 sightings that we already have to date

Contact Courtney Straight, Otter Spotter Intern, at otterspotterwpz@gmail.com with questions or more information. 

For more information: Otter Spotter Flier 2016.pdf


http://bugguide.net/node/view/15740: This site is all about bugs.

From their website: All Abuzz About Bugs!

We are an online community of naturalists who enjoy learning about and sharing our observations of insects, spiders, and other related creatures.

We enjoy the opportunity to instill in others the fascination and appreciation that we share for the intricate lives of these oft-maligned creatures.

Our Mission: Using the best resources we have access to, we are creating a knowledge-base to help each other and the online community.

Our Method: We collect photographs of bugs from the United States and Canada for identification and research.



 (local sources below)