Join, renew or donate online. You have the option of paying through your PayPal account, using your credit or debit card or using Apple Pay. Thank you for your support. Please note: Your memberships are considered “donations” and are tax deductible. And rest assured that when you join or renew, your membership donation will be noted as a membership in our records.
Student - $10 - Subscription period: 1 year. Anyone under 21 years of age and currently enrolled full-time in school may join Spokane Audubon as a Student member.
Individual - $20 - Subscription period: 1 year. Includes one member.
Family - $30 - Subscription period: 1 year. Includes one member plus (up to 4) family members.
Supporting - $50 - Subscription period: 1 year. Includes one member plus (up to 4) family members.
Contributing - $100 - Subscription period: 1 year. Includes one member plus (up to 4) family members.
Lifetime - $500 - Subscription period: Lifetime. Includes 1-2 members.
Your donations help us further our conservation mission. We are grateful for your including us in your charitable giving. We accept donations large and small. In the dialogs that follow please use the “Other” line for your non-membership donation amount.
The Spokane Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Join, renew or donate the old-fashioned way (with a check):
1. Download a membership form: SAS Membership Form.pdf
2. Print the form and fill it out.
3. Either send your payment through the mail as instructed on the form, or deliver it in person at a meeting or to a board member. Make your check payable to Spokane Audubon Society (or SAS).
We also encourage you to join National Audubon Society
to support birds and their habitats nationwide
With your National Audubon Society Membership you will receive:
A 1-year subscription to Audubon magazine
Timely, relevant news about birds, their habitats, and issues affecting them
Advocacy opportunities that protect birds
Special offers and discounts available only to National Audubon members