Field Trip Reports — Spokane Audubon Society

Hannah Hageman

Texas Rio Grande Valley Trip (2/2017)

Texas Rio Grande Valley Trip (2/2017)
Leader Ann Brinly


On Saturday, January 28th, six snow-weary SAS members boarded a plane bound for the balmy breezes of the Texas Rio Grande Valley.  Our first morning found us in Texas City where we were successful in finding a cooperative Aplomado Falcon.  The bird had been banded last year as a nestling and since it was a 2ndgeneration Texas we all added him to our US bird list.  Next up was a short stop in Matagorda County looking for upper Texas coast birds.  We found plenty including a first in my 18 trips to the valley – a female Painted Bunting.  We continued our southward migration to Rockport. 

Early the next morning found us aboard the Skimmer where Captain Tommy piloted us to several Whooping Crane sightings.  Afterwards, a stop at the Sarita rest area produced our first Valley birds – Green Jays and Black-crested Titmouse.  Brownsville was our next destination and we headed to Oliveria Park where we thoroughly enjoyed watching two to three hundred Red-lored, Red-headed, Yellow-headed and White-fronted Parrot coming in for the evening.  A trip, (the next day) to Sabal Palms Sanctuary and Boca Chica Road yielded more Texas coast birds including several Least Grebe. 

Four days in McAllen allowed us time to visit several of the birding hot spots.  Estero Llano Grande afforded us close looks at the well camouflaged Common Paraque.  At Quinta Mazatlan we marveled at the beauty of the old estate and thoroughly enjoyed the trail with the bronze statues of Texas wildlife.  Black-bellied Whistling-ducks serenaded our time at the refuge.  That evening we went to the strip center to look for the flock of several hundred Green Parakeet which gather in the evening before heading off to roost.  We also enjoyed the thousands of Long-tailed Grackles, which create a cacophony of squawks as they settle on the wires for the evening.   Bentsen State Park was uncharacteristically unbirdy.  The feeders there were full but mostly the birds forgot to come.  We did see a javelina or two while there. (The javelina at the park had been overly plentiful until a flood a few years ago nearly eliminated them from the area.) 

White-tailed Kite.jpg

We headed over to Anzaldous County Park where we were greeted by lots of birds flitting about.  Black-crested Titmouse, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Eastern Bluebird and Vermilion Flycatcher kept us busy trying to ID them as the hid in the foliage of the majestic trees in the park.  Edinburgh Wetlands provided us with Green Kingfisher, nice looks at Neo-tropic Cormorants  and our first Green Heron.  Then we headed to Falcon Dam State Park.  There we were able to add Roadrunner, Verdin, Bobwhite and Black-throated Sparrows to our trip list.  The next morning we went to spend some time feeder watching at Salineno where the Altimira Oriole and Great Kiskadee come almost within arm’s reach.  We then said good-bye to the valley and headed to the Conroe area where we would find 5 (from three separate areas) Red-cockaded Woodpecker and several Brown-headed Nuthatch.  Then back on the plane and back to the wintery north where we can enjoy our memories and our pictures.


Palisades Trip 6/16/2013

Palisades Trip 6/16/2013
Leader Lindell Haggin

This morning 4 of us met at 6:30 a.m. to explore the Palisades area just south and west of downtown. We started out with the White-throated Swifts flying under the bridges near High Bridge Park. There were some Cliff Swallows nearby for comparison. Black-headed Grosbeaks were abundant both visually and with their wonderfully lyrical song. Saw one on the ground that seemed to be eating ants. Saw several shafts of sunlight swarming with small insects that would surge and sway. It was an impressive sight. Western Wood Pewees were the flycatcher of the day. Had some good views of the Red Crossbills at a feeder. Saw a Red-tailed Hawk carrying somebody off. All in all a pretty good morning, especially since we stopped at 10:00 in consideration of Father’s Day obligations.

  • Great Blue Heron

  • Mallards

  • Red-tailed Hawks

  • Bald Eagle

  • California Quail

  • Gull sp.

  • Mourning Dove

  • Rock Pigeon

  • White-throated Swifts

  • Calliope Hummingbird

  • Northern Flicker

  • Common Crow

  • Black-billed Magpie

  • Violet Green Swallow

  • Cliff Swallow

  • Black-capped Chickadee

  • Mountain Chickadee

  • Red-breasted Nuthatch

  • Pygmy Nuthatch

  • House Wren

  • Bewick’s Wren

  • American Robin

  • Gray Catbird

  • Cedar Waxwing

  • Yellow Warbler

  • Black-headed Grosbeak

  • Chipping Sparrow

  • Song Sparrow

  • Spotted Towhee (H)

  • Red-winged Blackbirds

  • Brown-headed Cowbirds

  • Red Crossbills

  • House Finch

  • American Goldfinch

  • Pine Siskin

  • House Sparrow


Little Spokane River Natural Area Field Trip (6/2 and 6/4/2013)

Little Spokane River Natural Area Field Trip (6/2 and 6/4/2013)
Leader Lindell Haggin

We met at the WDFW boat launch at the confluence of the Little Spokane and Spokane rivers. It was very birdy, even before we got on the trail. After 30 minutes of birding we got rained out on Sunday, June 2. Several of us met again on Tuesday, June 4, for a few hours to compensate. Nothing very unusual, but did get many good views of Black-headed Grosbeaks, Gray Catbirds, Yellow Warblers, Calliope Hummingbird and Bullock’s Orioles. Watched a Yellow Warbler add material to nest and pack it down with her body. Saw the female Oriole enter her nest and stay for several minutes. When she left the male came to the nest peeked in and decided he would just wait outside. Could be that she was also still in the construction phase and he was merely keeping watch to make sure no cowbirds got in. The Calliope perched on the same branch I saw it on several weeks ago, Sunday and today. Showed off with a little bit of diving. Saw a female Calliope inspecting some plant material near the Painted Rocks. Did not go to the flowers, but focused on those plants with spiderwebs at the tips. Other birds seen include: 

  • Willow Flycatcher, 

  • Red-winged Blackbirds,

  • Brown-headed Cowbirds, 

  • Bewick’s Wren, 

  • Song Sparrow, 

  • Tree Swallow, 

  • Cliff Swallow,

  • Violet-green Swallow, 

  • Osprey, 

  • Black-capped Chickadee, 

  • Western Grebe, 

  • Mallard, 

  • Black-billed Magpie, 

  • California Quail, 

  • Ring-necked Pheasant (heard only), 

  • Killdeer (HO), 

  • Mourning Dove (HO), 

  • Black-chinned Hummingbird, 

  • Northern Flicker, 

  • Eastern Kingbird, 

  • Red-breasted Nuthatch (HO), 

  • Cedar Waxwings, 

  • American Robin, 

  • Spotted Towhee (HO),

  • American Kestrel
