Turnbull Spring Festival Recap, by Joyce Alonso; Letter from the Editor; A Tale of Two Cities (in one week): Birding New York City and Spokane, by Carmen Yount; Upcoming Field Trips; Using a Bird ID Scavenger Hunt to Teach Kids (and Adults) about Birds, by Carmen Yount.
The Pygmy Owl - May 2013
Program: Connecting Kids to Nature, with Environmental Educator Jami Ostby Marsh; President's Message from Kim, 2014 Calendar Contest Submission Guidelines, Winter Visitors Field Trip Report, by Joyce Alonso; Field Trips and Events for May and June; 2nd Annual Turnbull NWR Spring Festival.
The Pygmy Owl - April 2013
Program: For the Love of Ants: Diversity in Superorganism, with Laurel Hansen; Letter from the Editor; Field Trip Reports: Bluebird Field Trip, by Marian Frobe, and Beginning Bird Walk at Turnbull, by Fran Haywood; 2014 Calendar Contest Guidelines Announced; SAS Field Trips for April and May; Volunteer Opportunities, by Joyce Alonso.
The Pygmy Owl - March 2013
Program: Great Gray Owls, with Michael Munts; President's Message from Kim; Sights & Sounds, by Cindy McCormack; Spokane Audubon 2012 Christmas Bird Count Summary, by Alan McCoy; March/April Events.
The Pygmy Owl - February 2013
Program: I Hunt, therefore I Am (what?), with Rich Landers; President's Message from Kim; Sights & Sounds, by Cindy McCormack; Snowy Owl Pellet, by Ron Dexter; Field Trip Report: Banana Belt Trip, by Cindy McCormack; Great Backyard Bird Count; February/March Events.
The Pygmy Owl - January 2013: Field Trip Edition
Program: Birding in Peru, with Lindell Haggin and Joyce Alonso; President's Message from Kim; Sights & Sounds, by Cindy McCormack, 2013 Field Trips.
The Pygmy Owl - December 2012
Program: What does CBC Data tell us about how climate change is affecting bird populations?, featuring Gary Blevins; President's Message from Kim; Sights & Sounds, by Cindy McCormack; 2013 Calendar Photo Preview;Conservation Action: Save the Glenrose-Dishman Hills Connection to the Dream Trail; December Field Trip.
The Pygmy Owl - November 2012
Program: Reproductive Ecology of the White-headed Woodpecker in Washington’s Ponderosa Pine Forests, with Jeff Kozma; President's Message from Kim; Sights & Sounds, by Cindy McCormack; Unsung Heroes: Marlene & Bob Cashen, by Fran Haywood; Calendar Photo Preview;Audubon National President Marks Completion of Washington Birding Trail; Field Trips.