The Pygmy Owl — Spokane Audubon Society


The Pygmy Owl - April 2016

Program: The Once and Future River: An Ecological Vision for the Spokane River, featuring the Gonzaga University Environmental Studies Senior Class; Scholarship Opportunity: The Patrick Sullivan Young Birders Fund; Sights & Sounds, by Jon Isacoff; 2017 Spokane Audubon Calendar Contest Rules; Field Trip Report: Bluebird Trip, by Marian Frobe; Lewis's Woodpecker Boxes, by Kim Thorburn; April & May Field Trips.

The Pygmy Owl - March 2016

Program: Forestry is for the Birds (and Other Critters too), with Wildlife Biologist Michael Munts; Help Wanted: Newsletter Editor; Sights & Sounds, by Jon Isacoff; Special Event: "Think & Drink"; Crossing Paths with Washington’s Wildlife: Get Nest Boxes Ready For New Occupants; SAS 2017 Rio Grande Trip Announcement; Field Trip Report: Winter Visitors Trip, by Fran Haywood; Announcements and Field Trips.

The Pygmy Owl - February 2016

Program: Kayaks to Airplanes and Dip Nets to Whoosh Nets, Bea and Jim Harrison's Adventures in Citizen Science; Announcements; Sights & Sounds, by Jon Isacoff; SAS Response to Occupation of Malheur NWR; Speak Out for Public Lands, by Kim Thorburn; 2015 Christmas Bird Count Recap, by Alan McCoy; Winter Lake and Wet Belt Field Trip Report, by Fran Haywood; Great Backyard Bird Count Announcement.

The Pygmy Owl - December 2015

Program: Preparing for the 2015 Christmas Bird Count, featuring Gary Blevins; Christmas Bird Count Announcement, by Alan McCoy; Sights & Sounds, by Jon Isacoff; Water is Key to Complete Wildlife Habitat, by Washington Fish & Wildlife; Field Trip Report: Sprague Lake Field Trip, by Norma Trefry; Habitat: If you build it, they will come... and not just the birds!, by Alan McCoy; The Value of Day-to-Day Sightings in eBird, by Carmen Yount; WDFW Wants Reports of Moose Sightings!; Warming Strategies of the Pygmy Nuthatch.

The Pygmy Owl - November 2015

Program: Fascinating Stories of Natural History and the People that Live Along Side Them, featuring Hazen Audel; Spokane Audubon Holiday Gift Shop; Calendar Reading; Audubon Bird Guide App is FREE!; Sights & Sounds, by Jon Isacoff; Tutorial: Using eBird to Find Out Where the Birds are Now, by Carmen Yount; Audubon Calendar Announcement; November & December Field Trips.