The Pygmy Owl — Spokane Audubon Society


The Pygmy Owl - June 2019

The Pygmy Owl - June 2019

Program: Seattle’s Adaptable Urban Cooper’s Hawks presented by Ed Deal

Keeping Your Birdbath Clean from an Audubon newsletter

Membership Report by Dave Plemons

Field Notes Compiled by Jonathan Isacoff

Black Terns by Mary Jokela

Spokane Audubon Society Field Trips - General Information by Alan McCoy

Lessons about Seattle from the Cooper’s Hawk by Kelly Brenner

2019 Field Trips at a Glance (check the website’s Upcoming Events for more details)

The Pygmy Owl - May 2019

The Pygmy Owl - May 2019

Program: Seattle’s Adaptable Urban Cooper’s Hawks presented by Ed Deal

Keeping Your Birdbath Clean from an Audubon newsletter

Membership Report by Dave Plemons

Field Notes Compiled by Jonathan Isacoff

Black Terns by Mary Jokela

Spokane Audubon Society Field Trips - General Information by Alan McCoy

Lessons about Seattle from the Cooper’s Hawk by Kelly Brenner

2019 Field Trips at a Glance (check the website’s Upcoming Events for more details)

The Pygmy Owl - April 2019

The Pygmy Owl - April 2019

Program: Past, Present and Future of the Spokane River, by Maddie Hueske and Casey Harder

Membership Report, by Dave Plemons

Field Notes, by Jon Isacoff

Gangsters of the Bird World, by Lisa Langelier

Our New Website is Live, by Alan McCoy

Need Help with Spring Cleaning?

Return of the Wood Frog

Nest Boxes and Native Plants

Dungeness River Audubon Center: An Invitation to help “Inspire Wonder”

Announcing: Spokane Audubon Society elections

The Pygmy Owl - March 2019

Program: Purple Martin Recovery in SW Washington by Cindy McCormack

Membership Report by Dave Plemons

Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker, by Joanne Powell

Field Notes, by Jon Isacoff

Northern Flicker by Lindell Haggin

Why Native Plants are Better for Birds and People, by Marina Richie

Deference, by Mary Jokela

House Bill 1211 and Senate Bill 5116, Audubon Washington

Chickadee Antics, by Kristin Warren.

The Pygmy Owl - December 2018

Program: Touring Chile presented by Mike McFadden; Holiday Gift Giving; Membership Report by Dave Plemons; Field Notes, by Jon Isacoff; Make Your Own Suet by Avery Cullinan; Winter Wings Festival; Rough-legged Hawk  by Lisa Langelier; New Smithsonian Study Links Declines in Suburban Backyard Birds to Presence of Non-native Plants Submitted by Alan McCoy; Christmas Bird Count by Alan McCoy.


The Pygmy Owl - November 2018

Program: Elegance and Wonder: The Trumpeter Swans of Turnbull NWR presented by Carlene Hardt; Holiday Gift Giving; Winterfest at Turnbull NWR; Field Notes, by Jon Isacoff; Duck Stamps; Our Website is Changing by Alan McCoy; Merlin by Joyce Alonso; Balance of Avian Power in the Neighborhood by Joyce Alonso; Spokane Audubon Board Notes;Membership Report by Dave Plemons; Snow Goose Festival.
